Water resources in the South East USA


New member
Is there any level of concern amongst the Atlanta area reefers in regards to the ever shrinking water resources there?

I am particularly interested in the RO/DI 1:4 water usage ratios as it applies to SW systems.

Have the Atlanta area reef club(s) come out with any recommendations to deal with this issue?

all the water wasted by all the reefers ro di units is nothing compared to what all the kids waste ( or if your in florida) what the city waste!!!!

plus if you use the water for other thigns it isnt wasting it.. if you really care get LARGE pressure tanks to store waste water in and then plumb it back into your house
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11235245#post11235245 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SShindell
We have talked about it, primarily about using the gray water for other usages.
By "talking about it" are you saying there is a level of concern? What was the response from the members? Were they at all interested in some form of conservation methods?

As for the other wasteful users - I would address them on their websites, hence the reference here to us fishy type folks. I don't really get this "everyone else is worse, so it's okay for me" type mentality. Would you apply that to crime, discrimination etc..?

As for using the bypass water in other ways, does anyone have the resources to actually save, say 100 gallons of water somewhere? (25 gals RO/DI = 100 gals grey water). And what of the poor chap that is trying to start up his 90 gallon? That's a whopping 360 gallons of by-pass water. Unless he was filling a swimming pool, then what?
There are some alternatives that www.thefilterguys.biz have. They are high end de-ionizers that don't waste any water. They completely replace the RO system and prefilters. These resins can be regenerated over and over for decades at a very low cost. The output purity level is actually better than an RO system (same as an RODI).