Sounds like it may not be an issue for you, but I have to be pretty careful about stagnant water in my changing system. Mostly the 150G is hard plumbed into the system with a circulating pump running 24/7 (which serves to mix in the salt when I take the container off line to mix up new NSW); however, I have a line of flex PVP which I can use to add the water directly to my sump if my sump level is low. The water in that line gets nasty if it sits more than 24h. When I need to use it (rarely, like every other month), I am always careful to run the line into the sink for 30s or so before allowing it into the sump. The few times I have forgotten this, I have had some minor inverts die off and would have had more had I not an over-sized skimmer. Did your skimmer start wet skimming? I like the chlorine test theory: try to reproduce the event and text for chlorine.