Waterbox 100.3 build

Overflow is thick plastic, seems very rigid. Not sure on the overflow type/name will have to look at it again. I had to use a sponge to quiet it a bit as the water in the overflow was lower than I expected. Stand does come in white, and it's multi plywood.

You sure the overflow isnt glass? They claim an "all glass overflow" which was one feature i really liked about it.
Some new coral


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Tank pics, new jebao pp-8 and 2 AI primes. Getting a pump soon for little fishies phosban reactor 150.

Tank is really nice. There is an overhang in the front, so when water drips down, it hangs there instead of going under the tank/stand. Flow is nice with the random wavemakers. Considering a gyre. I am still going for the minimalist as far as rockwork goes, I feel the open makes it feel more ocean like, rather than full blown reef. I also think the fish enjoy the space. I am waiting on my lfs to get a trio of leopard wrasse, or I will buy online.


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Thank you!

A pic of the new phosban. Using Aquaforest phosphate minus. Thanks to all who provided suggestion on a pump for it, using the maxi jet 400, works perfect.


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Herbie setup!

Nice looking tank BTW. Looks very similar to an SCA tank.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if quite a few of these tanks are all mass produced in the same Chinese manufacturing plant.

Actually the Red Sea Max and the WaterBox are made directly across the street from each other in China. Both high quality. I just ordered the 230.6 WB i will picture it here once it arrives and I start putting it together. Yours is looking great!

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