waterproof digital camera


New member
i will be heading down to the Keys in June for some snorkeling and would like to have something a little better then some cheap disposable camera. what is available in digital that could be used?
I use Sea & Sea. I have the digital carmera and waterproof housing. Ikelight makes underwater housings for most digital camera's if you already have a camera. HTH! Your local dive shope should be able to get something for you, or you may look online.
They make the camera too. I have the Sea and Sea (Sunpak) 1G, it's a 10 MP. I really like it, it does macro and raw. I also have a wide angle lens and external strobe. Very nice setup. I have another Sea and Sea setup (I think it's only a 3-5 MP) but it does really well too! Both of these camera's can be used for land and sea. My friend has a regular kodak digital camera and then bought an ikelight housing for it. Make sure that you keep your housing and o-rings clean, or they will flood!! So which ever type you get make sure to read the instructions on cleaning and which lubricants to use on the o-rings, you just can't use any lube! I took an underwater photography class at the scuba shop and I really learned alot. Good Luck!!
look for Dicapac on ebay ...

I used it on my last snorkeling trip... 100% waterproof, and cost me about 35$..