wave box and sump capcity


New member
just a heads up for anyone using a wave box and sump.

Killed the power to my return pump to check the levels were still ok and that there would be no over flow of the sump.

I have a corner overflow and a wavebox in the tank.

Now normaly the over flow limts the wave height, however with the return pump off the wave increased as the water level dropped, and on each wave crest more water fell over the overflow. In short I found that the final level in the sump was greater then normal..

I will now place the wave box on the computer so if the return pump fails the wave box is also powered down, just to be safe.

so you may want to see where the final level is in the sump when a wave box is running.
Yes, the wave is much greater without overflows, the spill over absorbs a lot of the energy, I can tweek mine on my 75 which has a hang on overflow in the center to do a 1" wave. The best I have seen the same tank do with a corner built in overflow is a bit more than 1/2". I think the overall effect is the same but the surface of the wave gets muted.