Wave Box on a 32" cube


Premium Member
I am getting ready to order a tank that is 32"*32"*26".

Will the wave box work well in a cube tank of this size?

And if so, would you recommend one stream or two for linear flow?

The tank is at the limits of what the wavebox could do, I wouldn't try it because it may or may not work, if you can borrow a friends first that would be the best. I would get 2 6000 and a 7095.
Qtr. Cylinder - 95 gallon

Qtr. Cylinder - 95 gallon


Would wavebox work in a qtr. cylinder - 36x36x24..?
So is there anyone that have tried the wavebox in a cube?
I have a 28x24x24.

If the wavebox dosnt work, what is the beat setup.
I have a stand pipe in the middle/center of the tank.

Jens Holmerg
According to what I have heard from the factory, 3/4 meters is the shortest tank it will work on, that is about 30" . Having done this for a while I know that their is enough variability in the products that some of them might not work on a tank that is at the lowest limit, the timing will not be able to go fast enough. For that reason I am sticking to my 36" minimum length recommendation, the wave in these small tanks is very short and it doesn't give much of an effect.