Wave box quit working


New member
I bought my wave box about a year and a half ago from premium aquatics. I recently moved and took the oppurtunity to clean it very well. It worked for 2 days after setting it back up and then just stopped. The controller is flashing back and forth as if it is working, but the pump does nothing. I'm in Austin so I could bring it in. Please advise. Thanks!
Yes, but I will not likely be able to do much for you as it is probably the pump and I don't have replacement pumps at the moment. I hope to have pumps next week. I will be out tomorrow as I am going to Dallas for a local reef club meeting.
I maybe able to get you fixed up ASAP, it isn't ideal but I found a good used pump around. It is probably best to bring it to AquaTek, I will be gone tomorrow and will drive back Thursday AM and likely get to Austin a bit before noon. If you aren't in a hurry you could swing by here Thursday afternoon or Friday, but Bruce could also drop it off or I could swing over there and pick it up.