wave box


Active member
I bought a Tunze wavebox a couple years back. I'm now getting ready to use it. I remember and I could be wrong that the controler controled two pumps. Yes, no? If yes, how is the other pump timed? I was thinking of getting another pump for the other side and having it switch opposite of the box. If not would I need a different controler?

The wavebox controller can control a second wavebox extension or a controllable stream pump, however the second stream pump will not do much to boost wave height, it will result in a small gain and the pump would be more effective used for directional flow with a 7091. It can be set by opening the controller to pulse at the same frequency as the wavebox (for same side placement) or the opposite frequency (for opposite side placement).
I'm not looking to get a bigger wave. I'm looking to cut cost from buying another controller. I don't think one wavebox and the 1500 gph or so return is enough water movement for a 150g 6x2x20" tank. The return water is going through two sea swirls for more random flow. I haven't decided if I want the flow to go one direction or the back half going one direction and the front half going the other direct. Going all the same direction I would think is more like the ocean but our tanks are not the ocean.
So with the controller I can either have two pumps doing the samething or have one pump doing the opposite.
Yes and it won't be very effective in terms of flow, it would honestly be better to run the other pump without a controller than to use it on the 6091 in terms of creating more flow. The 7091 would be the most economical controller.