Wave making Tunze 7095 or 7091 help.

I have the Tunze 7095 and 6105. I was a little bummed to find that the pulse and few other settings did not work too well to make that nice looking rocking wave motion.

So I considered getting a 7091 or 7092. End up with 7091 and the time intervals still does not small enough to create a way.

However, now when I use the 7095 with the sequential 1 setting, I'm starting to get that nice rolling wave action. But the problem is the 6105 sounds likes its being jarred on and off. Doesn't sound great for the longevity of the 6105 pump.
Only the 7092 and 7096 (or older 6091) have the timing to produce a wave.

An older 6105 (pre July 2010) will likely need the clamp and drive unit upgraded to reduce noise, the controller will also help.

Parts 6105.700 and 6065.650.
Only the 7092 and 7096 (or older 6091) have the timing to produce a wave.

An older 6105 (pre July 2010) will likely need the clamp and drive unit upgraded to reduce noise, the controller will also help.

Parts 6105.700 and 6065.650.
Only the 7092 and 7096 (or older 6091) have the timing to produce a wave.

An older 6105 (pre July 2010) will likely need the clamp and drive unit upgraded to reduce noise, the controller will also help.

Parts 6105.700 and 6065.650.
time to look for another tunze controller...my third one :facepalm:

Does that new clamp and replacement impeller make a significant difference to sound?

The noise is a bit annoying, but is the pump okay running in that sequential 1 setting? It almost sounds like the pump is going through a hard on/off cycle. And I thought that was bad for the tunze 6105
The noise is only the magnet slapping the bottom of the pump on this type of pump. It won't do any harm other than annoyance. The new drive unit has a disk that absorbs some of the clap, there is a silicon cup under the disk. The shaft was also upgraded from 316Ti to Ti grade 2 and the drive unit is a little more snug fitting. The clamp mainly stops the transfer of the noise to the glass so it is less audible.
I checked tunze.com, but seems like a hassle and confusing. GBP to Dollars? 20% VAT. Warnings of cost to far-away countries, duties, etc.

Is it fairly reasonable cost in the end or are there better options in the US?
Feel free to give me a call and I'll get your order taken care of. 512-833-7546
The cost will work out the same whether you order online or call us.

The website should show prices in US Dollars if you select United States on the first page.

Or these links will take you straight to the correct pages: 6105.700 and 6065.650
Looking for a recommendation for a 300 gallon (96"x24"x30") aquarium. I am especially interested in powerheads that can be controlled by an Apex controller.
Thanks for any help.
Just to clarify for the future, the US has no VAT and one is not charged, VAT is a federal Sales Tax and is generally applicable only in Europe. Shipping for the two parts would be about $6 flat.
Unless the tank is smaller than about 150liters it is unlikely a single 6055 will make much of a wave, you would use wavemode and channels 3 or 4 and use auto tune to find the correct frequency, it is different for every tank based on dimensions and contents.
Thanks for the info. Actually the tank is over 250 litres so I'm looking into getting another 6055 (or even 6105, what do you think?)
Hello, my name is Miguel and I have read here that you are the person to talk to if anyone has a problem. Well I have a tunze 7095 multi controller and when I have it connected to my 6100 pumps only the power lights and the channel lights come on and pumps do seem to cycle. Night mode light is on, I can not change it to moon light. Pulse bottom also does nothing as well as the interval button. No lights come on for those functions as well. Any ideas or help would be great.
Thank you