Wavebox...48x24x30 (i want more)!!!!


New member
Hi Roger and all others,

I manged to get hold of another wave box for trial and manged to get a 2cm wave (great). I then tried the Tsunami mods with a 6100 on the side and the wave went from 2cm to a easy 4 cm (awesome).

But i want more, my tank has been set up with the purpose of keeping SPS. Currently i running a TS24 kit set at 90-100% pulse. The wave box straight away started to lift detritus from behind the rocks (very surprised as i already have awesome water flow (approx 50 times tank volume i hour)!

The wave box is set at max pulse (say 10 o'clock). Now i was thinking of buying a 6200 to run next to it (will this produce a bigger wave or much the same)? I remember you saying that at the quickest pulse the 6200 will not have time to wind up to full speed. The other option would be an extension kit (I know this may sound mad to some, but i love this wave). Would i get a bigger wave using an extension kit or should i just use a 6100 / 6200 next to it.

Now the flip side, the wife does not like the look of the wave box, she says it takes up prime real estate in the tank (IE size). Do you think i should stay with the wave box idea, or maybe add a 6200 to my ts24?

Any ideas would be appreciated.

bushwick...you've been obsessed by the "wave".

I think an extension running "inverse" to your other one is going to give you the largest wave because it so efficient at it and that's what it was designed to do. I just wonder if two Waveboxes in your 48" tank may overwhelm the scenery, but then again symmetry can be a good thing. A 6200 running "inverse" to your Wavebox on the other end of the tank would probably work too. I find that the "Tsuanmi" mode isn't as efficient at wavemaking but does create more chaos.

Thanks Luis,

You got that right, the wave has taken a-hold of me. The disease quickly spread from the USA and has hit the shores of Australia!!!!!

Inverse, you mean when one unit fires the other one switches off and vice versa? So have a wave boxes at each end? This will not look good in my tank, it will take it away, I think 2 together on one end may look OK as they would be next to each other?

Would one on each end in inverse mode cause a bigger wave than 2 firing in the same diection. The Tsunami mode rocks, this may be all that i need, but is there a big diff in cost between another 6100 or the extension kit.

The wife is saying get the 6200 as it's more compact (i mean these boxes look oK in a 96inch tank, but a 48inch, they do look big.....

Che (looking for that perfect wave)
Yes...inverse would alternate 2 Waveboxes on each end. If you had one box next to the other, the wave would be larger when it crests to the opposite side than the "return" wave. It would be cool to do 2 Waveboxes on one side hooked up to a branch adapter (splits the master into 2 ports) running inverse to a 6200 on the opposite side to balance out the wave. Here in the states, the Wavebox is $416 and the 6200 is $418...very close in price.

Cheers Luis for your response,

Still not 100% sold on having this black box in my tank.

I'm now toying with the idea of selling my 6100's and puting 2 x 6200 in the tank.

Luis / Roger any thoughts on the above and with the wave box issue.

Bushwick, I think what you have is really enough, I would worry about the stress on the tank. It is up to you but I think the flow is sufficient and you don't need to spend anymore. I also don't think you will like the look of all the gadgets in your tank.
Thanks Roger for your reply,

I am only borrowing a wave box, it's not mine. I have to hand it back today! You are right i don't like the look of too many gadgets in a small tank.

If i'm after more flow only (i want to wip up the detritus i have in my tank), would i be better selling my 2 x 6100 and buying 2 x 6200 to replace them? Or would the 2 x 6100 and 1 wave box work better.

I would prefer the 2 x 6200 as they don't look as big as the wave box and i can mount these on the back pain facing half towards the middle of the tank.

I think 2 6100 and the wavebox would be the ideal, in fact you could probably make do with one 6100 and a wavebox.