Wavebox 6208


New member
I have been looking to increase the amount of water movement in my tank.
I have some cheap wave maker powerheads, but I feel like they are just creating a pulsing straight line flow. I was thinking that a wave box may give a better visual movement for my corals. I have a mixed reef but its mostly LPS dominant at this point in time.

My tank is a 65 gallon, with a corner overflow. 36 inches long, 24 inches tall, 18 wide. I think the wavebox would need to be positioned on the same side with the overflow and push the wave across the face of the rock. Does that sound right? I attached a picture of the tank, overflow area in white, wavebox in red.

My concern is with the corner overflow the wave will cause the water level to get so low that the water line will be below the teeth on the overflow, and that will create a sloshing sound. Is this a real problem or just something I've made up in my mind.

Another question is what is the best way to lower the display volume to accommodate the wave? Cut the durso stand pipe? Drill holes in it lower than the waterline?

Finally when/if I add this, the flow of water out of the box is broad correct?
I'm just wondering if I will need to re position my corals to keep the LPS, and Acans from getting too much shearing flow.


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A 6208 in that tank will make about a 1/2" wave, you probably don't need to do much modding. Your concern about splash is valid, it will create a splash into the overflow, to solve this, raise the durso so the overflow water level is just about 1/4" below the tank water level, enough to surface skim but not that far for water to splash. Ideally you have both flow types, directional and wave. The flow is not the flow of the pump itself in the wave box but the flow of the wave, it is the surge created both by the box emptying and filling and the resonant frequency pulses of the pump. If it was my tank, I would probably instead use 2 6095's, I would not go for a wave, both because of the real estate occupied by the box and because of concerns of splash and noise. I think more than anything you need a lot more pump than what you have and even with the wave box, you will likely need to upgrade that anyway.
Well, I have the ability to crank up the powerheads. The issue then becomes sandstorms and heads blowing off my LPS. Guess I'll just go back and see what I can reposition. The powerhead as they are now create a nice circular flow that helps keep food/waster suspended. I was just hoping it might be an easy fix to add a wavebox.
Thanks for the reply.
Another question why the 6095? Seems like a lot of flow, but I do see where is says it has a wider flow patter compared to other PHs.
The wave box will work, but I am trying to give you the best advice I can for the long term. Prop powerheads vary considerably in the pattern of the flow output, the 6095 is particularly wide and diffuse, placement also plays a large roll in how effective they are, I usually find low and slightly angled up to be more effective than high and angled down. A healthy LPS should not be at risk for having the heads blown off by a good prop pump, some of them do not create the flow one would expect and it is instead a hollow ring of flow like a pipe instead of a solid tube, this can then create a high velocity on the outer edges with a still area in the middle and this can potentially damage corals.