wavebox 6212


New member
ive hear alot of hype about this product and i am considering purchasing it for my new 210 gal i will be setting up. i however cant fina any information pertaing to specifics.... what is the turnover rate, can it be contolled by your multi controller, how would it fare running along side 2 6100's?

thanks for any aditional info
It has it's own controller which can be connected to the multicontroller to add intervals and night mode. It can run with the Streams but is not ideally run with a Stream positioned opposite to it so you would use the Interval mode 1 on the 7095 or Tide Mode on the 7094. The flow rate can be calculated by the formula of the volume of the wave times the frequency. On a 180gallon aquarium this comes to nearly 25,000 gal an hour. The wave frequency is about 1/2 sec and the volume is roughly 20 gals.

There was a huge thread on RC so you may run a search under wavebox. You might also check www.tunze.com and download the Interzoo News flyer.