Wavebox Alarm ?


New member
My wavebox alarm went off last night and I turned it off for a morning cleaning.

Took the pump out this morning and there was calcium build up, got it off and replaced the pump into the box and everything is working great.

Only problem is I'm getting a sound out of the wavebox now that is unusual. Sounds like a squeezing sound, very hard to describe, like you're squeezing a rubber ball, almost a pumping sound if you were sitting at someones bedside on a heart machine. It's very faint but the tank is in my bedroom so it's driving me nuts. I've tried to re-sit the pump but no luck in stopping it.

Any ideas on how to stop this?
This isn't unusual, the wavebox typically makes a darth vader breathing noise. This is why the photocell is included so it can be shut off at night. My guess is it was quieter as it was jammed and spinning slower, now that it is at peak performance again it is making noise from the displacement of water and air rushing in.
Roger, I can't get the alarm to stop ringing. I cleaned the pump and it looked immaculate and 6 hours later (of course in the middle of the night!) the alarm went off again. I couldn't catch some time yesterday but today I took the pump out again, checked the magnet and everything looks clean. Put it back in the wave box and about 6 hours later the alarm just went off again.

Any ideas?
I think it would be best to send it in. Have I looked at this pump recently? Just wondering if I repaired it and missed something or if this is one I haven't worked on yet.
I think I have it fixed Roger. The bottom section of the drive unit wasn't coming out and I took a flash light and noticed CA build up on that part. I got it cleaned up and it's doing well now.

How do you get that part out and if you do, is it difficult to seat it back in the right place?
OK, I give up!! I'll have the pump in the mail to you on Monday Roger. Alarm went off today again after what I thought was a total cleaning.
It's on it's way Roger, you'll get it Friday. I included the controller also, not sure if I should have done it but what the heck!
Hey Roger, the alarm went off tonight and I had to unplug it, couldn't get it shut off. I received the pump back from you I think last Thursday with the new impeller, plugged it in and it's been working fine till tonight.

I need to trouble shoot this so I can get this box up and running properly! Any ideas since the pump tested fine, new impeller, etc?

I'm going to PM you my info just so you remember who you were dealing with, I know you're on a trip.
Hey Roger, the pump had been running fine since our last chat and last night the alarm went off again. I shut the pump down and took it out this morning, cleaned the inside and started it up again and immediately the alarm came back on. I took it out again and made sure the impeller was situated right, cleaned it some more and got it to work for about 30 minutes before the alarm started again.

The magnet on the new impeller you replaced for me last month looked like it had slight dent in it on the top towards the propeller. Not sure if this could be what's causing the alarm but besides that, it looks immaculate. No Ca build up, so I can't figure out what's going on.

Any ideas? I know you ran a diagnostic on the pump last month and it turned out fine, just trying to figure out what to do about this.



It could be an obscure problem that is difficult to diagnose and if that is it would be impossible to repair as the motors are no longer available. In the pump is a Hall sensor, this is the same type of sensor that runs the tachometer and even the spark plug timing on many cars. It basically counts the turns a magnet makes. It can happen where this sensor shifts or bends from expansion and contraction and is no longer lined up, it sounds the alarm when it cannot register that the magnet is properly spinning. These are hard to diagnose because everything checks normally and it can take seconds or days for the alarm to come on, it tends to get progressively worse as the sensor shifts more and more. My best suggestion is to upgrade to the new model pump, but I am also happy to test it again in a longer term test and see if I cannot find some other culprit that may be repairable.