wavebox help


Premium Member
is there any way to get better performance out of the wavebox

i have a 58 rr tank it is in the left front corner of the tank in the front and get a 1/2 inch wave but just doesnt seem like much is being moved around)(36 inches long tank)

bought green star polyps to see the flow of the water off the polyps and there is none in the bottom of my tank with the wavebox running by itself

i have tryed all the setting on the controller move it a hair and come back to see how it looks the same anyway i look at it.

wavebox is on the back of the tank (tryed that also)
the box needs to pointed down the length of the tank. after you dial in the pulse knob to create a wave, the only adjustment left is on the side of the driver. this is used for adjusting the height of the wave. remember though a longer tank gets a bigger wave, so that might be all you are going to get. hth
Yes, I think 1/2- 3/4" is about the limit. You have to be sure it is properly tuned by watching the wave, it should crest on one end and have the trough on the other. It is not intended to be a stand alone flow solution as it creates a rocking motion that should be complemented by a directional current. The only effect should be the soft corals waving back and forth and this should occur in all of the aquarium.