Wavebox & Mounting Options -- Magnets?


New member
Roger, can I use the Tunze Magnet Holder on the Wavebox?

If so, which size? (Assuming there are only 2 sizes, I have the smaller size).


You need two, one at the top and the other at the bottom. The small model is for 1/2" glass and the big one for 3/4". It is important to have two or the wavebox will walk across the tank.
tunze on a 120

tunze on a 120

I have an all glass 120. 4x2x2. I have two Sea Swirls (1/2") flowing back to front. I have the Tunze running across the front of the tank from left to right. The right side looks clean and great. The left side collects all the detritus. How are you orienting your pump?
Thanks, Roger. My glass is 1/2" thick so I'll get the smaller magnets (which seem to be more plentiful than the larger ones).

My tank is eurobraced and has only 1/2"-3/4" of space from the waterline to the top of the bracing.

I hope this is enough room for the wavebox to work properly.
3/4" should be OK, but 1" is cutting it close, it has to be able to suck in air at the top.
3/4" should be OK, but 1/2" is cutting it close, it has to be able to suck in air at the top.
I can't promise it will work to optimum efficiency. It may but you might need to drop the water level and the wave will definitely have to be short.
I'll give it a shot and see what I end up with. I only have about 500 gph flowing as it is so I'm pessimistic about gaining a half inch.

My tank is a frameless Lee Mar with eurobracing (no canopy), so I believe they make the water close to the eurobracing for aesthetics.