Wavebox nano noise.


New member
Just setup my new wavebox nano. It works well and I had it producing waves in under 30 seconds.
My problem lies in the noise it makes. I have placed it in a tub in the kitchen and it is running at full tilt with the unit completely submerged. I hope this will speed up the running in.
My first post vanished mysteriously.
I can hear it two rooms away. I guess what I would like to know is, is this unit going to be noisy long term?
The noise it makes is whirrrrrrrrr, clunk.whirrrrrrr,clunk. The clunk stops when I submerge the entire unit.
Any suggestions.:confused:
Make sure the rubber feet are installed on the magnets. It will always make some noise, but if it makes a lot of noise then likely the drive unit is slipping and needs to be replaced, this will cause the clunking noise everytime it starts.
Thanks mate,
I had another good look at the pump unit this morning and it seems that the glue that joins the base to the pump didn't take. One whole side is loose.
If I hold the driver/pump in my hand the whirring is significantly less, but the clunk has become a loud click at the end of the cycle. The click occurs when the pump stops. Any ideas?
Anyway, being new out of the box it will be going back to the supplier as soon as they reply to my email.
On another note. When I had the unit in the tank for a day all my LPS shut up and didn't open much for two days after I had removed the unit. I was wondering if this might be from all the muck that the ossilating current stirs up or if the coral is just adjusting? Have you heard of similar results?
Thanks for your time.
The wave action does stir up a lot of detritus and sediment, if it is excessive the corals may close, but more often they open to feed. I think things will settle down eventually.

I have had two such nano waveboxes and your dealer should be able to arrange to swap out the bottom plate/motor for you, part 6206.200.