Wavebox question


New member
Looking for input and expectations for a wavebox(s) on a 450g tank, dimensions are 96''x36''30''.

If I went with two waveboxes what kind of wave would I expect?

Can two waveboxes operate with one controller?

I have a coast to coast overflow, can the outlet for the wavebox be located directly under the overflow or does it need to be unobstructed?

Ultimately what would you recommend?

I currently have 3 mp60's running and unhappy with the overall wave.

Thank you,
Given the tank width, I think the best bet is a wavebox and extension running on the same side. The coast to coast overflow is a variable I cannot with certainty account for, overflows reduce wave height unless they are roughly centered on the back wall, the wave spills in and loses force. Never having used such an overflow I am unsure the result. If the tank had a centered overflow and open rock structure that was mostly centered I would expect a wave of 1.5" about, but in this configuration, I think 1" may be the maximum single wave possible. Given the length you will be able to tune a single or double wave, double wave will be shorter. The waveboxes should be positioned on one side either roughly in each corner (back and front) or roughly centered. The top 3/4" or so must stick out above the water line so it can take in air for displacement on the on pulse.
So roger on my 6ft tank w a center overflow box I can get a decent wave? Will there be a bit of noise or gurgling?
Sorry to hijack thread
A center overflow is the ideal and when properly tuned for a single wave, you should not have much if any overflow noise. The wavebox itself does make some noise, it alternately fills and empties of water and this produces a breathing noise (darth vader).
Yeah I've heard that noise but more concerned w gurgling. Thanks again buddy!
Sorry I missed you a few weeks ago in Columbus, I wanted to thank you in person for all your help
Roger can you help me w the setup of the box. I have the white dial turned all the way to the right but where do I want the pulse knob @?
I'm not getting much of a wave action?
Is this the new style 7092 controller or the older 6091? On the 7092 you won't use the knobs at all, they are for pulse mode. For wavemode you hold the auto tune button for 2 seconds until the wavemode light blinks, you are then in wavemode and it will scroll through all the frequency range and you just push the button again when you see a wave. You can then do fine tuning with the + and - buttons.
Start with the knob turned fully counterclockwise, then slowly rotate it clockwise in hair width increments waiting a few seconds between turns. Each tank has one unique frequency which will make a wave, when you hit it, you will get a see saw type wave action that will be steady. One side should be the crest and the other the trough.
Is the pump running? The pump comes on in such brief spurts that the flow that is produced is entirely a result of the wave and not a result of the pump alone, it is a combination of the pump pulses and box displacement which produces the wave.
Running?? I hear a muffled darth vader sound as it pushes water out slightly. I removed the top of the box to look down in it and it's pushing the water out
It all comes down to hitting the frequency, it is working but you will see almost no movement until you get the frequency that produces a wave. You want to be sure it is placed on the side and aimed down the full length of the tank with a minimum of obstacles. The wave produces the flow, not the pump itself, it is based on resonance frequency and not a simple propeller produced flow.
It's placed long way w nothing in its way. Less than 1/4inch wave now.
I'll tinker more
I want the dial controlling the strength all the way to the right correct?
I assume you mean the potentiometer where the power and controller connect? That should be fully clockwise.
Yes. That thing is turned all the way
So I'll cycle back thru the pulse knob again to tune it in I guess... Is that correct
Yes, but I cannot emphasize enough how slowly and in small increments you need to turn the knob, taking 2-3 hours to find the wave is not unusual. The 7092 is much easier because it is largely automatic. Turn a hair width and wait a few seconds, you are looking for a perfect see saw and not some random splashing.