wavebox questions


New member
I am considering getting the 6212 for my 150 (48Lx24Wx32H). I am concerned that on a 4' tank the frequency will be too rapid. What do you think the frequency for the standing wave would be on a 4'?

Also, I use a external overflow, I am wary that it will screw with the drainage to the sump, although it seems that this should be lessened it I move the overflow into the center.

I plan on using the wavebox in addition to my split mag 18 return and a few powerheads, eventually adding a stream. I am hoping the wavebox can get some movement into all the corners and crevices to suspend any detritus. Because of the depth of this tank, and the placement of my rockwork (2 large pillars), that is virtually impossible to do with powerheads.

What do you think, is the wavebox good for this or will the frequency be so short that LPS will be thrashing rapidly from side to side?
I have mine on a 45" long tank and the frequency is about 2 seconds. It makes for a real gentle rocking back and forth on my xenia, anthelia and halimedia. Don't forget you can fine tune the power to the wavebox.

Got the wavebox today, it took about 4 hrs to get dialed in correctly...

But once I got the frequency WOW! This thing is truly unbelieveable, I am getting about a 1 1/4" wave on my 48" tank. The movement is awesome and my fish and corals really seem to like it.

Should I run the photocell on it or run 24/7?
What do you guys mean by 2 seconds? I still can not figure out the whole frequency thing. I have a 215 oceanic. I need this dumbed down for me to understand how to tune it in. I have been fideling with it for a while.
At the short end of the pulse range is about 40sec, the longest pulse interval is about 1.6 sec. I think for your tank you need to be in the .7-1 second range. You have it right when you get a single wave cresting and one end with the trough at the other. Turn it very slowly and in very very small increments.


Count how long it takes for the lights to flick from one to the other?
Right now it flicks real quick.
I would just ignore the controller, watch the surface of your tank, start at the fastest pulse and in fraction of a millimeter increments move forward every few seconds until you hit it. Nothing really happens until you hit it just right so it is pretty obvious from the tank surface when you got it.


Start with the dial turned all the way to the left and go from there or the right?

Adjust the screw to be full power?

After this thread anyone should be able to do this. I promise it is starting to sink in :)

I soooo appreciate the effort to dumb it down. What little wasve i do get is awesome but it fades away after a little bit of time. I LOVE the tunze products.
Start with it all the way to the left (now you are making me feel dumb, 29 and I still can't tell left from right if I don't have a pen in hand, if I can write with it I know it is in my right hand, duh) now turn it slowly to the right. Driver at full power. I expect you will get a wave with the knob at about the 10-1 o clock positions. On my 75, I get a wave at 9 o clock, all the way to the left, but my conroller is a pre production proto type.
You are wondeful. Of to the wave I go :)

I will let you know how it turns out, but I expect I will be a-ok now. Those instructions were EXACTLY what i needed!
One last question, promise...

One last question, promise...

Is water suppose to go up over into the wave box? Water never goes over and into the box, goes a tad over the blue line but never over into the box. Water in its still state is right on the blue line.