WaveBox Stopped working


New member
I have the tunze wave box 6091 and when I saw my tank today It was not working. I have tried to disconect and reconnect all the wires but nothing has helped it. The lights go back and forth on the wave controller (like they should) but the pump only runs about one-two pulses every minute not in sync with the wave controler(on both the master and slave). I have also taken apart the pump nothing was clogging it. Without the wave controller hooked up the pump does run constant. It is only 6 months old. Any ideas THANKS
The one in the referenced thread worked fine when it arrived here and I did every test I possibly could so we assume it was humidity in the cabinet cabinet affecting the controller. Please send me the pump and controller without the actual wavebox. Make sure everything is dry so water from the pump cannot damage the controller in shipping. It could be something is wrong with your pump or controller but I won't know until I test it.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
hi i just got the pump and controller back that I sent in and two questions.

1. was there anything wrong with it or when it got there it was working fine?

2. there was a pack of 10 of these plastic spikes They say Biobarrier on them and a phone # of 1 800 284 2780. What are these spikes for?
The spikes were in the box you sent us, so we just shipped them back. We were wondering the same thing.

The motor was faulty and was replaced.
Thanks roger now we just have a mystery on our hands. I have never seen these spikes or never owned them. lol
hey roger having an issue again already. It is being very inconsistent. i can have a good wave going for a day and the next i have to readjust it this has happend every day since I have gotten it back from you. The flow coming out of the wave box seems to change some days its good and others dont seem as well. When I first bought the box only had to set it once and it worked well never had to adjust it.
That is strange, we did replace part 6261.015, which is the entire motor, cord and connector. Do you have a Stream 6101 or 6105 that you could swap power supplies with? My guess is either the power supply is dipping in voltage, maybe it is getting hot and the thermal switch is starting to open, or the frequency is close but not quite and it is starting to go out of sync after a few days.
That is just a cover, it can be removed, unless it was not reassembled and wires are shorting due to contact it should be of no consequence.