
It will create a wave that is approximately 1" high, this wave would contain roughly 2.5 gallons of water and weigh about 20lbs. If the tank is a new name brand tank and the glass is thick enough the bracing would be a non issue. As a general rule it reduces the life of a well made tank by about 2-3 years, figure a well made tank, without a wavebox, installed on a sturdy level stand will last 20 years.
I have a 150 Perfecto tank (approx 72x24x29) with a center brace and about 1 inch of clearance from the water line to the tank trim...

Would you recommend getting the wavebox or wavebox nano? What would the surge be like on this tank? Will the surge exceed my tank top? Would it impact the use of overflows - or do I need to turn off my main pump while the wavebox is in operation?

Any other concerns or things I should consider/know?

Where are the overflows positioned? The wave height can be adjusted but you really want at least a 3/4" wave to get good flow.
The wave will be shorter due to the corner overlfows, probably 1" max and you can turn it down from there.



i have a new AGA 60x30x24 OF in middle. can i use the nano? also can i use this 24/7? tIA
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15748018#post15748018 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
The wave will be shorter due to the corner overlfows, probably 1" max and you can turn it down from there.

I'm not sure I understand... Do you mind providing more detail? Also should I use the standard or nano version?

Thank you!
Hey Roger would you recommend me getting a nano-wave-box for my 72 bow? I am worried about the tank giving out. If not the wave-box what other pumps should I use?
I have 3 maxijet mods right now. They are supposed to push 2100 GPH a piece. So I would like to keep flow on the higher side.
End overflows reduce wave height, the water spills into the overflow and the wave loses energy. A center overflow is the ideal. You can adjust the wave height by adjusting the pump power after tuning the frequency and getting a wave, this is done on the junction block of the full size wavebox or on the power supply of the nano wavebox. Both of your tanks are large enough that the full size wavebox is the best way to go.

gkimble, I would recommend 2 6055's I think you will find, despite the numbers the 6055's produce more flow.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15753013#post15753013 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
End overflows reduce wave height, the water spills into the overflow and the wave loses energy. A center overflow is the ideal. You can adjust the wave height by adjusting the pump power after tuning the frequency and getting a wave, this is done on the junction block of the full size wavebox or on the power supply of the nano wavebox. Both of your tanks are large enough that the full size wavebox is the best way to go.

gkimble, I would recommend 2 6055's I think you will find, despite the numbers the 6055's produce more flow.
So you wouldn't try a wavebox? I really like the way it looks. I will look into the 6055's.
I am always nervous about waveboxes in bowfronts, a lot of people have done it without problems but I ran a retail store when the bowfronts first came out and a lot of them has seam failures. It appears to be resolved from what I gather but it seems logical that the design results in more stress on the front pane and I don't see a point to pushing the limits.