Wavemaker on a 180g FW Tank

Ron R.

New member
I am a freshwater keeper of wild-caught moba fronts. I use 2 6080's attached to either end of my 6 foot 180g tank. I set them on an auto-timer to run 4x daily for 15 minute intervals (6am, 12noon, 5pm, midnite). They create alot of current and sweep all the uneaten food and fish poop off my sand bottom (CaribSea aragonite select, not the sugary aragamax). The 6080's have done a great job.

I would like to create a little more turbulence on the floor of the tank as I have some dead spots and the 6080's can't be pointed downward. I would even be okay with some wave action. My mobas like to swim in the strong current provided by the 2 6080s.

I would like to create about a 1.5"-2" wave in my tank and don't even know where to begin. What tunze stream would I need, how many, what type of controller......I guess they would have to be directional as well. My 6080s sit a few inches below the water line and are attached by magnets.

I have seen tunze waveboxes, but think it would take too much space in my 180g. I have lots of Texas holey rock in my tank. Here are a some full tank shots.


A vid:

Another vid of the tunze's in action:

I need your help with suggestions pls.
The best choice for a true wave would still be the wavebox. If you wanted some random flow and to try to create a wave without the wavebox, the best option would be 2 6105's and a 7096 multicontroller.
Roger, thanks for the quick reply. Would the wavebox produce enough current at the bottom to move the small pieces of uneaten food and poop or would the 6105's on a controller be a better choice?
Can the 6105's be pointer slightly downward and still produce a wave?

I also want a large enough pump that I can take with me when I move up to a larger tank. What is the largest tank for the 6105's....30" wide x 27" high....either 9-10 feet long?

Thanks again. Your advice on the 6080's was great a few yrs ago. That's why I keep coming back to Tunze.
Thank you. The wavebox produces a current much like the waves at the beach, small detritus is lifted and suspended and hovers where the other pumps can sweep it away. How effective it will be will depend largely on the food and poop size. Large fish food pellets may be an issue, large frontosa poop may also be a problem. The 6105's could be angled slightly downward and probably still produce a wave, but the 6105's tend to click when in wave making mode. The 6105 flow area is 6ft by 2ft, with two placed so they are aimed diagonally across the tank I think they would work in the larger tank you have planned, figure the flow reaches 1-2ft longer than the 6080 but is otherwise the same. I think both are viable options, but I have never personally kept Frontosas, we used to have them at the shop I owned and I knew a local breeder of rare varieties but everything was just Eheims and sponge filters.
Last questions......I promise (for today). LOL

My 180g Oceanic was made in 1985. I resealed her about 5 years ago because the seals were tinted blue due to my use of Clout. No leaks since I've owned her (1988).

Would the 6105's and wave be enough to break her? What size wave would be good for my 6 footer to avoid breakage? Could I get a 1.5"-2" wave?

My 6080's are quiet, even on start up. If it clicks on, I don't even hear it. Are the 6105's clicking on and off that loud?

Not here to bad mouth the competition, but I have heard that the MP40w's are louder than the Tunze's. Is this true? I want a set-up that is quiet.
I wouldn't do it, I am weeks away from retiring my 180 made in 1996 and it couldn't come a day too soon, Sunday the center brace collapsed and the tank is starting to bow, I drained 4" to keep going until my 210 arrives. This tank is just too old to take that sort of risk.
Roger, thanks for the info. That's what I like about you......you are a straight-shooter. Once I get my big-boy 400g, I will be coming back your way for sure.

Guys like you are successful because you put your customers first. Take care of your customers and they will take care of you.