Wayne Shang's 720 G All SPS Tank !!

Awesome tank!!!

Awesome tank!!!

Heck, I'd like to see a pic of the skimmer. Sounds like a smaller model RK2. If so, it cost him more than the tank!!

I was a little curous about that skimmer as well. Wayne Shang probably lives a stone's throw from RK2's corporate headquarters yet decided to go with the German rig. That Sanders Helgoland costs a good deal more than a similarly sized RK2. I think the RK2 is about $2000 while the Sanders is $3000. I wonder what the difference is.

Tried to look at the RK2 website but there isn't any info there. Do you know if the similar RK2 model has the self cleaning features. If money was not an object these features make life so much easier IMO in maintaining skimmers. Myself I couldn't afford one and probably would settle with something like the RK2. Keep in mind that Wayne is also well connected in the industry and gets a lot of his equipment at cost including the starphire tank.

Biggest problems with skimmers is that they need to be cleaned often to stay in top notch performance. I bet just about all of us don't clean our skimmers nearly enough which could lead to problems in our tanks as happens on occasion with me.

With the skimmer Wayne has he can clean the skimmer column and collection cup in less than 10 seconds as I saw him do it. The cleaning features worked well enough and with cleaning so convenient you can get the most from your skimmer I think with the most minimal effort.
I just checked the Sanders site for the Helgoland models and looked at the self cleaning options:

The collection cup rinser is 340 Euros and the Skimmer column rinser is 628 Euros. I don't know the exchange rate but approximately that is close to another 1000 bucks for these options - ouch. Maybe I'll stick with the elbow grease :cool:
The RK2's do have a self cleaning feature, but it is limited to spray jets only. It does not include a manual wiper or anything like that. The spray injection system of the RK2's from what I understand is two-fold. One is a saltwater jet on the interior of the unit that is operated by the turn of a valve. The other cleans some other part, but it is hooked up to a freshwater line and uses a programmable solenoid valve. It acts like a topoff/self cleaning unit.

Their site is under development which you already found out. Their development site however made it into google. Woops!


I am really interested in these self cleaning skimmers, but I have not seen one in person. I think if you have a cost no object type tank, why not spend some cash on this stuff? Yeah right!
Pretty nice, but I would not have used the AB fixtures or those bulky powerheads....Not, that tank is sick :eek2: :eek1: :eek2: In my dreams there are mystical tanks of such proportions. May never become a reality. That is okay though, just makes me appreciate beautiful tanks like this one even more. I would give it three thumbs up if I had an extra :D :p
Those things aren't AB fixtures! They are UFO lighting and cost about twice as much as a similarly sized AB Aquaspacelight. Yeah, ponder that for a moment! I think the UFO lighting is all tricked out with moon simulations and all sorts of computer controlled stuff.
Does anyone know what sand he has in that tank? I don't think it is Southdown. It looks very white.
Not sure what type of sand it is but I think he vacums it.... ??????????????????????????????????????

Rock Anemone
For those in the Bay Area who are interested in seeing a large self-cleaning skimmer, Aquarium Concepts in Hayward runs an RK2 self-cleaning skimmer in conjunction with the RK2 fluidized sand filter and ozone generator.
From what I recall I don't think it was South Down as the grain sizes were much larger.

Prolly the reason why it is so white is that this tank is fairly 'new' and is the replacement of his 300 gallon tank.

BTW if you noticed most of the clams from the previous tank are missing. The clams are in Japan being tested for their spawning behaviours. No further details on this though other than I know they'll be back later in the year.
tubs said:
The clams are in Japan being tested for their spawning behaviours. No further details on this though other than I know they'll be back later in the year.

THis man is a reefing god!!!