We are 4 days away. WHO IS GOING TO MACNA!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Come on maaannnnn. :headwally:

This is the biggest MArine Aquarium event this community will see in at least a decade, or much more!!!!!!!!! :celeb1:

Whos coming, and if not why not???!!!! :mixed:
Ill be there. Staying at hotel too. Wife and kids wil be spending lots of time at the beach and spa while I play at the candy store! lol
I will be there all 3 days! Hope I can see it all? Like Aquaman ace said. This is probably the largest aquarium event ever! And we happen to be lucky its within driving distance. If you don't go think what you will say to yourself next year? Let take a plane get a hotel etc to some square state because we heard the one locally run by fmas was so outstanding. Volunteer if cost is an issue. Take the bus if you don't drive. Just be there! Hope to bump into you there!

PS. Forgot to mention. If you work call in sick. This one is worth it!
Those of you that decide to not go because of the money will regret it. Find the time to volunteer and go a least one day!
Guys, MACNA is like the aquarium hobby Mecca. If you don't go, you will regret it. Forget about buying stuff, just the speakers alone make this a worthy event to attend. As said above, if you are low on cash volunteer! No where else will you be able to attend an event like this any time soon.
Guys, MACNA is like the aquarium hobby Mecca. If you don't go, you will regret it. Forget about buying stuff, just the speakers alone make this a worthy event to attend. As said above, if you are low on cash volunteer! No where else will you be able to attend an event like this any time soon.

Yup! I went to the one on Orlando some time ago and loved every second of it!
Do not miss this event! It's gonna be awesome
I just got back into the hobby and I will try to attend all 3 days. I am lucky it happened to be s. florida this year.
By the way, thanks to you FMAS members who told me about macna when my wife and I visited last months meeting!
I will be there all 3 days! Hope I can see it all? Like Aquaman ace said. This is probably the largest aquarium event ever! And we happen to be lucky its within driving distance. If you don't go think what you will say to yourself next year? Let take a plane get a hotel etc to some square state because we heard the one locally run by fmas was so outstanding. Volunteer if cost is an issue. Take the bus if you don't drive. Just be there! Hope to bump into you there!

PS. Forgot to mention. If you work call in sick. This one is worth it!

+1....only thing I'm missing is thurs night
Or better yet even if you do have the cash go ahead and volunteer to help out the guys who put this together like some of us are doing. This is my 4th Macna since 1994 and the first one I will be working at, cant wait!. Took a vacation day just to help on Friday :)

Eddie, does the club need help Thursday night? I have league softball until 10:30 but can come down after if you guys are working till the early morning.