weekend loot


Premium Member
Well, with the weekend come and gone of course I had to go out mushroom hunting again. I ended up getting a yuma that is still coloring up, but might be orangey? I could have gotten some pink\green ones but next time for sure :) I also snagged this cute little green generic mushroom that has orange overlaid on it. You can't really tell in the pic.

After bleaching a yuma with my T5s (it was shaded and at the bottom :( ) I put these straightaway into my aquapod with its PC lights these shrooms seem to enjoy that.

green and orange (miami dolphin?) can't really see the color too well in my photo. When this gets acclimated\larger etc I'd like to move it into my t5 tank for better color

Orange? Yuma - on the left

My bleached yuma from a few weeks ago I hope recovers
HAHAHA!! You did it!! You bought one and now you are addicted.

Are those blue shrooms you have in the second pic?
You know, I dont know what goes on in my tank- When you look at them they are either blue or purple, but depends on THEIR mood. Not mine, not the tank, but their own and each one decides what it is doing itself- some are blue, some purple, some half and half. Dangit its so weird.

Then the salmon colored yuma? well you can se ethe very tip of it (i posted it here before) is like salmon. Sometimes its purple and blue with a yellow mouth, other days a salmony pink color. lately its bulbs have been getting really big and im like, what do you want you crazy thing?

And yeah I am addicted- my husband thinks im nuts haha
My husband thinks I've lost it too. Wonders how I can spend hours in a LFS just staring.
So the blue in the pic is just a mood. I was hoping that there were such a thing as true blue.
Mine don't change colors but yours do, wonder why?
THe striped one I have will get darker stripes but none ever change color.