Weird RTN event.


Premium Member
I have to different types of pocillopora's.
A small pink frag.
And an average sized colony.
I have had the frag for 6 months and the colony for 9.
They have always seemed to do OK.
Nothing spectaular but they do grwo, good polyp extension etc.

This evening when I came home I noticed they are both RTN'ing.
Looks like RTN. Flesh is leaving skeleton and all.
They are on opposite ends of the tank.
No other SPS are affectef at all.
Anyone ever hear of this?

Could one of them started to RTN and possibly spread it to the other thru the water column?

Very strange indeed that it is just the two poci's.
I know that pocilipora use polyp bailout as a method of reproductuion. I cant tell you much more about it, but if you have any of the good reef books you may want to consul one as I know many/most do describe this type of event.

HTH and good luck

No unusual temp spikes to my knowledge.
I have heard of pocillopora's dropping buds but I find it awfully weird that two separate strains (colorations) would do it simultaneously.

I woke up this morning to go remove the skeletons, as I was sure that would be all that was left, but no more recession is apparent at this time.
Very weird.

Here is a pic from 9 pm last night.


And here is one from 8:30 am (right now).


The frag seems to have stopped (at least for now) the shedding of its skin.

I am convinced that something triggered this particular species of coral to do this.
Now to try and figure out what. :confused:
I remember reading that pocillipora are highly susceptible to RTN. I believe that was in Aquarium Corals, but I could be wrong.
Do you have any LPS's in your tank??

I had that happen to a colony a while back and upon closer inspection, a tip of my frogspawn was the culprit. The tip detached and must have stung the coral enough to give it a dead patch. It grew back in the course of 2 weeks though...

I have also seen it happen with a Galaxea coral. It was while I was using the magnet to clean the glass. Guess I dislodged some of the tips and they free floated in the tank...

No, I don't have any LPS.
And the condition of the Pocillopora's is unchaged.
I keep checking it waiting for the axe to fall.

Very strange indeed that it started to RTN and has since just decided to not die.

Can it be just bleached? My pocillopora had polyp bail out when my alk when more than 17dkH. Make sure that there are no more tissues on the white skeletion.
Hope that evefrything is fine.
Both of their satuses are still unchanged.
I guess it could have bleached but I wonder why just those few places.
And then the frag on the other end of the tank too...
Oh well.

I am calling the X-Files.


Hey Sean, I had a pocillopora in my tank that did the same thing and then grew back!! Weird stuff., Dean
I had a weird one just like yours a few weeks ago... i had 3 frags from almost a year ago... had grown into small table colonies.. about the size of the palm of your hand.... 3 of them... one on right , left , and centeer.... i took the right one to phishy business and when i took it out it looked great... i came home the next day and the 2 other colonies were starting to rtn.... i called him and he said his was too.... i was tripping out.. its almost like they were talking in the tank and when i removed one it killed them .... now they are both gone... and i think the 3rd one is now.... nothing else in the tank is affected... Kevin..