weired clownfish pair

Yuri Barros

this pair was spoted in GBR......according to the video.......but look how strange........

first it seem to be a (Amphiprion chrysopterus) X (Amphiprion akindynos).......

maybe a brown morph of (Amphiprion chrysopterus)..........

juveniles of (mphiprion chrysopterus) are bron....and sometimes some adults still remis brown.....

then look at the (Amphiprion chrysopterus).........PNG and GBR have black pelvic and anal fins....and this individual have YELLOW pelvic and anal fins.........which matches Palau...Yap....and Micronesia type of (Amphiprion chrysopterus)....but nor PNG / GBR type.......

check the video.....]

Nice video. I like the cute little baby clown in the back too. That said my initial thought was Amphiprion Clarkii. But upon a closer look at the video and what I see online, I’m leaning Chrysopterus
now look at the type founded in PNG GBR / Solomons.......look at pelvic fins and anal fin....all black color.....dispite the descriptin say "Amphiprion clarkii"...they are NOT.......they are (Amphiprion chrysopterus).....but this is the video I founded to show the different color of the fins order to compare with the first video.....
