well hell!!


New member
I guess I didn't look far enough on this forum!! I just sold my NEP to a guy that told me it was here!!
I am parting out my tank and I would like it done by the end of the day tomorrow (Saturday) Job ending, apartment too small, sad story. lol
torch coral, bubble coral, fire and ice zoa, polyps, purple mushroom, pulsing xenia, elephant slug (black limpet), blue hippo tang, clownfish, 2 chromis, purple dotty back, lawnmower blenny and 40+ pounds of live rock.
a 40 gallon breeder and a 20 gallon sump. Few other things. It has to go.

E-mail me at jimpierce7@yahoo.com
thanks again for everything jim you really hooked me up. i hope everything goes well with the whole job thing.
if you find yourelf with that 40g empty i could use it for my girls turtle tank.
you are more then welcome. Nice to know they went to a good place.
Feel kind of bad for my Clownfish as he had pared up with the torch coral and it is out of its place now. lol
Well, this is what I have left. Fire and ice zoa, polyps, cabbage leather coral, purple mushroom, pulsing xenia, elephant slug (black limpet), blue hippo tang, clownfish, 2 chromis, purple dotty back, lawnmower blenny, cardinal fish, and 40+ pounds of live rock.

$100 takes it all

Two Korellia 2 power heads as well. Its to the point I just need it gone.
well damn i wish i had the time to stop by today i'll be out in the bay area all day today :/ its hard to pass up on free stuff...
i couldn't pass up on the offer!

Thanks for the hook up Jim- much appreciated! I think its awesome you decided to donate your stuff to us local cats!

your zoas are looking great already!
good to hear!!! The rest went out the door a couple hours ago. Nothing left but an empty space where the tank used to be. :(