well i need to keep rocks together what should i use ?

Uhh I don't think that cement is the way to handle it unless you plan on taking your rocks out of the tank and letting them set for whatever it is, 24 hours or something. You can use epoxy in the water. Just make sure to use the right epoxy.
Ahoyhoy that's a very good thread. If you want to see a tank that used a similar concept with the foam, check out the main tank at Exotic Aquatic in Oakland Park. Once coralline and other critters adhere to it, you can't tell the difference between the foam rock and the real rock.
that thread is making me want to redo all my rockwork that way, but don't think I could take apart me whole tank and glue all the rocks like that and then put everything back together
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11359102#post11359102 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
that thread is making me want to redo all my rockwork that way, but don't think I could take apart me whole tank and glue all the rocks like that and then put everything back together
Keith I need to swing by and pcik up the ppe's when I do i'll take u to see a 280 perfecto that's completely done with pond lining and is one of the sickest tanks i've ever seen.

Way to many critters to talk about in a post.