west palm glass drilling help


New member
does anyone know anyone around lake worth area that drills tanks. im willing to take a little drive to get some stuff done.. really need to find a place though. please help
1 inch holes.... are you sure. because if your putting bulk heads in they need larger holes, most 1 inch bulkheads need a 1 5/8 - 1 3/4 hole.
Get with Rob at Oceans Below, he has drilled a couple of tanks for me in the past. They are off of Dixie just south of North Lake.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12097139#post12097139 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by skaterzero22
yea im not using bulkheads just regular pvc plumbing. super glue and silicone

You are asking for trouble if you do this.
well not counting the LFS's i havent been to because of driving distance.. the ones i go to don't even sell bulkheads.. i litterally have to drive 30mins to one place that i "think" sells bulkheads.. i didn't think there would be a problem but im going to take your advice on it and use a bulkhead. ive heard good things about rob at oceans below so ill check him out. thanks so much guys!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12105250#post12105250 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefarchitect
Get with Rob at Oceans Below, he has drilled a couple of tanks for me in the past. They are off of Dixie just south of North Lake.

im just curious. how much did rob charge you?