Western_reefers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

Ok, I JUST came back from the LFS and got 25 lb of LR! WHOOOHOOO! I got the most expensive LR they had which was for $7 a pound. The LR hads TONS of diff shrooms, lots of diff color coralline, and much much more! Will post a few pictures later on today.
Here are a few pictures of the tank and LR. The LR has lots of diff colors, sponges, stars, and corals! The LR is FULL of diff mushrooms. It doesn't look like I have much LR because I spread the LR on the bottom. Didn't pile up the rocks yet because I'm waiting for the sand which is going to come tomorrow.








Here are a few more.

I have NO idea what this is though. Its probably some coral or sponge? I'm going to go post it in the coral section for an ID.
I don't know how well those mushrooms will do going through a cycle...but hopefully everything will be just fine. G/L and make sure to grab some pics once the sand and everything is in...
I also got a SPS coral for free today from the LR tank. :D Its alive and its in my 8 gallon biocube under PCs. It extended some of its polyps already. Hope it lives long enough so I can put it in this 28 gallon tank. I'll post a few pictures of it tomorrow.
Ok, I raised the light 3 inches. Here are a few pictures.



This fan is VERY strong. Its got an adjustable speed thing too.:D

I'm going to go cut out a mesh to cover the aquarium top so fish wont jump out. I got the 4 legs from the LFS.

*Note* there are NO fish in there right now.
Here is a picture of the sand in the bag. I already put the sand in the tank. But its very cloudy and you cant see anything. Will post a few pictures of the tank tomorrow when the water clears up.
Here are a few pictures of the tank. The water is still a bit cloudy and the rocks are covered with the white powder that came from the sand, I'll post a few more pictures in a few days when the rocks are going to be clean and the water clear.




<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12800562#post12800562 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Im SpSing
You may have purchased fully cured LR, since it has all of that coral on it, so you may not have much of a cycle.

I did buy fully cured LR. But I'll still wait at least a week.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12807626#post12807626 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Brock Landers
please tell how you raised the hood. Thanks!
I bought 4 corallife legs for light from the LFS and screwed them to the hood.
Here are a few update pictures. I added another pump for some more flow for the SPS. Its now a total of 800 gph. I added lots of corals and everything is doing fine and is healthy. There aren't any fish in there yet. I know there are really badly bleached SPS and some LPS. I got all the bleached corals from the LFS for DIRT DIRT cheap!:D The bleached corals are doing fine and aren't bleaching any more and all there polyps are out. So, everything is lookin good! I am also going to be ordering 2 clams. 1 Maxima and 1 Crocea. There isn't a clean up crew yet because there's nothing to clean yet. LOL Tell me what you think!