Western_reefers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

Here is a FTS that was taken a few days ago.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13379830#post13379830 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AwkwardParrot
can someone wipe the druel off my face...amazing tank!
Thanks! :D There are so many more mushrooms right now!
Well, I haven't updated this thread in a while. I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is I lost a few SPS a while ago and I have a huge red slime and diatom bloom. The good news is all the other corals are doing perfectly fine and growing well, and I got rid of the red slime and the diatoms growth speed is slowing down. I also added a few more corals a while ago.
I think your tank needs some more flow personally. I would aim your outlets more down towards the botom of the tank. I would also recomend getting 1 or 2 koralia 2's for some flow and get rid of the other powerhead. Im just giving some options based on my opinion, im not trying to degrade your tank at any means. Your coming along great with everything, and dont worry about the SPS. I have only learned through trial and error and soon there will be little room for you to make error since you learned from the past. Good luck with everything and lets see an updated FTS. Have you thought about upgrading the skimmer or getting an ATO? i dont know if you have already got those yet? Good luck
Hey, the diatoms are growing in very high flow area. Its weird. lol Yeah, I'll probably get another power head for some extra flow and put the powerhead behind a rock so you won't see it. But the sand bed gets TONS of flow. The stock skimmer is pretty good IMO. It can pull 3+ inches of crap in a week. I don't need a ATO. I'm home all day and the water doesn't evaporate that fast. A gallon of ro/di water lasts about 4 days. Some times more.