Western_reefers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

What do you want?





i bet your yellow coris is hiding in the sand somewhere, since that is where they sleep..

when i first got a yellow coris, i thought it died, didn't see it for 2 weeks and then it popped out of nowhere.

awesome tank btw, i think it's already time for an upgrade. lol

btw, how do you take such clear pictures from outside the tank? what type of camera? any editing? i can't seem to get a decent picture of anything in my tank if my life depended on it
Yeah, he came out yesterday. At that time I didn't know they buried themselves, then I saw it buried it self and I went on the net and started reading and sure enough it said they sleep in the sand and they hide in the sand when they get scared. lol I love the wrasse, hes an awesome little fella. Thanks! LOL I wish I could upgrade. I clean the out side of the glass like I've never cleaned before, then get a Mag Float and clean the inside glass like you've never cleaned before. lol I'm using a Canon Powershot S1 IS 3.2 Mega Pixels. For some reason I can't get any good FTS. Its always "cloudy" when the tank water is crystal clear. Here is a picture that I took this morning. He was checking if the "coast was clear". Then I started to feed the tank and he went out of his "bed".
