What are my options for controllable pumps?


New member
I am confused by all the numbers. I have tried to read past posts to see what other people are running, but a lot of times I cannot find that particular model #.

I already have an Apex, so I know I need to buy the "Stream Cable". What are the Tunze model numbers that I have to choose from (for a controllable pump that will run off an Apex via the Stream cable)?

FWIW, I would be replacing a MP40W-ES on the back wall of a 220 (72x24x30 H)
Trying to search Marine Depot and Premium Aquatics:

6105 and 6155 looks right???

And a 6255 is a wide flow?

Is this right? Is the 6255 the only wide flow controllable?
Depnding on what you are trying to do maybe the 6095. For that size tank the 6105 would be the most common pump
I agree with Shawn 6105 are all you need,

The numbers are the flow rate in lph

6095 is 6000 series is prop pumps, 9500 liter per hour.

All of these pumps can be controller though-

6055, 6095, 6105, 6155, 6255, 1073.050 and 5005 as well as 2002 and 4002 with an adapter.