What are people using to test?


The DQ King
I was wondering what people are using to test there reef tanks with?

Specific Gravity

I have test kits, but they are generic ones(not the test strips) My tanks doing well, but it can always do better!:lol:

Thanks for ANY info guys!
To be honest, ill bump this thread for you. Only testing I know off is the strips and the one that most LFS do, which are the test kits.
Strips are no bueno brothaman. The LFS's typically dont know what they are talking about. Use the liquid test kits if anything, im just looking for the best route to take when going about it.

Thanks for the bump!
PO4 - ELOS, but truly a meter or the DD kit is best.
Nitrates - ELOS
Nitrites - API
Calcium - ELOS
Magnesium- Salifert
Specific Gravity - Sybon Refractometer
I have a phosphate reactor, so i almost never test for phosphate. I mainly test with API. I use their CA, ALK, nitrite, nitrate, amonia. For ph i have a meter, magnesium i use salifert. I'm going to get a Neptune Systems AquaController Jr, that has an ORP monitor.

I don't test things that often accept for ca and alk since i have a refugium, protein skimmer, and phosphate reactor. I do alk and ca test once a week, but the rest i test every 2 or 3 weeks.
II don't test things that often accept for ca and alk since i have a refugium, protein skimmer, and phosphate reactor. I do alk and ca test once a week, but the rest i test every 2 or 3 weeks.

Why would this deter your testing? Regardless if you have any of these devices or not, you should test for these parameters.

That being said, I don't test anything more than once every 2 weeks (if at all). Once you get a feel for your system, testing is just a 'feel good' check. You'll eventually gain the feel of your system by the reaction of your inhabitants.
I use the following:

Nitrates = API/Salifert
Nitrites = API
Calcium = API
Magnesium = N/A
Specific Gravity = Marine Depot Refractometer calibrated with 35ppt fluid
I usually use a hydrometer by adjusting for error. They are inaccurate, but consistently inaccurate.

I am starting to use the salifert nitrate test to be more accurate at the low range now that I am starting to dose vodka.

Once my coral population is consuming more than water changes can replenish, I will start using salifert or elos kh and calcium tests. Mainly due to low range accuracy. ie: detecting smaller differences. API tests are perfectly accurate if used properly, and way cheaper too!
I use:

NO3 LaMotte (API as back-up/check)
PO4 Hanna Photometer
CA Aquaraise
MG Aquaraise
KH LaMotte (Aquaraise as back-up/checker)
K Korallen Zucht
pH RR Monitor (Aquaraise as back-up/checker)
Temp Pinpoint Wireless and RR Monitor

Have seen many problems with Salifert, particularly the KH test kits. I would love to have a photometer for CA and MG, but not sure whether Hanna has came out with the cheaper Checker yet.
Hope this helps.
NO3 Laboratory (API as backup)
PO4 Laboratory
MG ELOS (1000x better than Salifert IMO)
KH LaMotte (API as backup, Lamotte is the best for ALK)
K ICP Laboratory
Sr ICP Laboratory
pH ReefKeeper Probe (API as Backup)
Temp ReefKeeper Probe
I use Salifert for Alk Mag Nitrate and Calcium. Use the controller to monitor ph temp and orp and also have a handheld so I can check the calibration on the ph and temp probes.
Nitrates API
Nitrites API
Calcium Salifert
Magnesium Salifert
Specific Gravity Refractometer
salifert for strot/cal
api for trates trites
phospahte api and the fish box one
iodine salifert
ph fish on box one and a lab grade ph meter with Apex
APi for the rest
I asked this question earlier and the biggest response I got is that most people seem to like and use API