What are some factors that prevent Xenia from growing like crazy


New member
Just wondering what are some of those factors that cause Xenia not to grow as well. (i.e. too much light, too much flow or lack of, ammonia, nitrates).????

I also heard that they are used as filters, but what are they filtering out?

I just bought some Pom Pom Xenia and I am currently acclimating them. How long will it take (usually) for a Pom Pom to get acclimated to the tank so it can start pulsing?[i/]
Yep mine grew like crazy in the beginning but now has stopped. Everyone says they don't do well once a tank stabilizes. If I remember correctly it took about a day for them to open back up and pulse. They will filter out small food particles and stuff not eaten.
Calcium bring up pH or lower? | Adding nutrients? Phytoplan enough?

Calcium bring up pH or lower? | Adding nutrients? Phytoplan enough?

asking question from above post:

Well when I firsted started my tank a year ago they were doing awesome, but now that my water is cleaner and I use carbon they do not flourish as well.

What nutrients are you talking about? Do I add a supplement and which one? OR, is adding the Phytoplan and Zoplan enough nutrient for the Xenia?

Also, does adding calcium to a tank increase pH or lowers it?
When they say nutrients I think they are talking about those left over from feeding, ect. (the stuff your protien skimmer usally pulls out). Xenia don't tend to do as well in tanks with efficient skimming. In the three weeks I've had my xenia they have doubled in size, I think this may be due to the fact that I have a rather inefficient protien skimmer.