What are the little worms in my tank?


New member
I just retrieved 2 veggie clips from the bottom of my tank and they had these little worms in them. What in the world are they and should I be concerned? Is there something I need to do to get rid of them?? Help
Worm description

Worm description

I'd say these worms are about a 1/4 inch long, round in shape..not flat, and pink in color. They seem to be living in the sand in the bottom of my tank although I don't notice them really. In fact, I didn't know they were there until the veggie clip had a bunch of them inside of it when I retrieved it.

Right now I don't have a way to photo them. I had a sand sifting star for a long time but he seems to have vanished...is there any connection?

I'm concerned whether these worms will harm things in my tank. Sure could use some help.
It is just to hard to say with out pictures, leave them in your tank, worms make a great clean up crew.

"I had a sand sifting star for a long time but he seems to have vanished...is there any connection?"

Probably not, these stars usually end up starving to death, it may have ran out of food unless you constantly replaced everything in your sand bed.

I just got a new 72gal with a lot of live sand out of a pre existing tank. I left the sand in some buckets over night, and when I came back in the morning, there was a carpet of red on top of the sand. So I'm having the issue. I'm pretty sure their just bristleworms, and they've had some time to reproduce in the system. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it, for bristleworms will eat the detritus in your tank!
My thanks to all of you for your response to my post. I think I may try to scoop up some of these critters and take them to a fish store and show them to the young guy that owns it. He seems quite knowledgeable on SW inhabitants. Certainly can't hurt. If they work to clean my tank, all the better! I was just concerned that they might be trouble since I don't recall seeing them in the 2+ years I've had this tank (I haven't added any LR either). Again, I really appreciate your help. There's so much I have yet to learn about my aquarium......