What are these?

I have a client with a 220 reef about 10 years running. Does well and all chem levels are in check.

Without adding anything new to the aquarium for the past 6 months at least, these new critters showed up. Pic attached but essentially they are varying sizes from 1mm (or smaller) to maybe 5mm. They are extremely flat. By best guess they apear to be like a clam shape. They 'attach' to a grain of aragonite (mostly) or on the rocks at various levels of the 26" high rock pile (36" deep tank) at one end of their (shell?). I say shell as when handled they have a calcareous 'crunch' when lightly pinched.

I cannot see them crawl or move without the current providing them the motion however, if I do a gravel wash, in a few days they are all at the surface of the substrate again. So they do migrate.

So far no fish have interest and they do not seem to be bothering coral or residing on any soft tissue.

They tend to congregate in substrate in the shadows of the rockpile with less in areas of direct light. They appreciate strong current and are populating to the point that a good portion of substrate looks like it has a diatom problem from sheer populations.




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Maybe limpets but I think its a type of Foraminifera as I "think" I see more of a spiral shape to the shell and it looks mostly flat compared to the cone like shell of a limpet..
@Maybe limpets but I think its a type of Foraminifera as I "think" I see more of a spiral shape to the shell and it looks mostly flat compared to the cone like shell of a limpet.. ;


I think you may have nailed it. Foraminifera. I googled them and went through some pics and some are very similar to this outbreak. I have never heard of these before so I will have to dig into cause and effect of having them.

Anyone with further info? Comments appreciated.
