What are your fish's names?


New member
Do you name your fish?

Here are my fish's names...as well as the dates I added them

Yellow coris wrasse - Furious Yellow (3/22/17)
Orchid dottyback - Grimace (5/25/18)
Flame angel - Lucifer (6/8/18)
Lyretail anthias - Goldie (7/27/18)
Fourline wrasse - Heisenberg (9/5/18)
Blue tang - Dory (9/27/18)
Gladiator Occy Clown - Picasso (10/16/18)
Gladiator Occy Clown - Mrs. Fluffy (10/16/18)
Firefish - Balrog of Morgoth (11/29/18)
Two Barred Rabbitfish, Kole Tang, Atlantic Blue Tang.....
Oh, they do have some unpronounceable Latin names too that I don't know.

I have a female blue throat trigger named Liza

It must be a wife thing, some of my fish never had names until she came along lol. Now all the fish, inverts, and our chickens(like above lol) have names.
I have a few for my longer term residents.

Bandit angel-Clyde, soon to add Bonnie (cuz their bandits)
Gem-Lucy (in the sky with diamonds)
Black tang-lebron2 (big, black, the king)
Earls wrasse-duke( duke of earls��)
3 yellow tangs- Larry, curly, Moe

But I do need help with a few
Conspicuous angel
Aussie dussumeri tang
Blonde naso
Majestic angel

And yes, typically I use their scientific names on majority, except when I can’t prounce them. A la bandit angel, lol
I named our brand new Siganus magnificus Michael J.

Wife approved of the deviation from The West Wing

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I never named my fish as I feared I'd become too attached and be heartbroken if they were to die. But my sister has named my diamond goby "Big Mouth"; and though contradicting my blue tang Nemo, and my clownfish Dory.