Premium Member
We measure and test a lot things in our reef tanks to make sure they are healthy and running right. If you only had the ability to measure just 3 parameters in your SPS reef tank what would you choose to monitor to make sure things in are in check?
For me its:
I find that since I have been running a CA reactor and dose kalk, that If my CA is at an acceptable level, then my Alk has always followed at an acceptable range, and I am comfortable enough that I probalby wouldnt have to test for Alk. Ph also seems to tell a lot. Temperature is important enough that I think I have to test for it. With these 3 I think I could keep a reef tank pretty easily. Of course visual observation tells a lot also, but by testing the other parameters, I think I could figure out most problems.
For me its:
I find that since I have been running a CA reactor and dose kalk, that If my CA is at an acceptable level, then my Alk has always followed at an acceptable range, and I am comfortable enough that I probalby wouldnt have to test for Alk. Ph also seems to tell a lot. Temperature is important enough that I think I have to test for it. With these 3 I think I could keep a reef tank pretty easily. Of course visual observation tells a lot also, but by testing the other parameters, I think I could figure out most problems.