What Can I Keep w/196W PC?


Premium Member
I am setting up a 65 gallon tank. Initially, it will be FOWLR with about 60 lbs of LR and a 1-2 inch deep LS bed. It will also include a canister filter good for about 350 GPH, and a protein skimmer.

I am starting with a Coralife Lunar Aqualight - Double Linear Strip 96 watt 10,000K and 96 watt True Actinic 03 Blue & 2 3/4 watt Lunar LEDs.

What kinds of softies or other easier to keep "coral" do you think I can keep in a setup like this?

Also, the LFS is concerned that I may get prolific algae growth with such limited live biological filtration, esp. with the nitrates that the canister filter is likely to generate. They suggested I keep the photoperiod short to minimize algae growth. What do you all think?
On a general basis, you should be able to keep softies, most LPS (placed 1/2 way up the tank or higher), and possibly a couple of low light SPS if they are all the way at the top, though usually not recommended.

I don't think you'll have too much of a problem with the algae growth, but I would go with the standard ~12 hr. photoperiod and see how that works. You can always adjust from there.

Lps and softies, possibly some montipora. IMO some sps may survive for a while but may never color up. I have ran canister filters for years with lps and softies with light running 12 hours a day. IMO RODI water is a must plus a decent powerhead for flow and you should be OK.