Hard to tell given the zoom but I can definitely say they are *not* Ostreopsis which do not move like that.
Where are they occurring, on the sandbed, the rocks or both? Are they killing your corals or just being a nuisance?
They are most noticeable on the sand bed, where I got the samples from. I will need to take some samples from rocks and overflow box to confirm if they are on there too. I believe they are, but not as noticeable.
They are not killing anything as such, but I believe they compromise growth and health in the tank (guessing though)!
I do have some invert fatality, but it is hard to determine the exact reason for that.
Those Dino's disappear into the water column for the most part at night.
I can get more video shots if you need to see more.
I am not running a super low nutrient system.
NO3 : 5ppm
PO4 : 0.01 - 0.03
I do dose life Phyto and run an ATS,
GFO and NO3 reactor
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