What color?

bruce 1

New member
Black or clear? What color of silicone looks best? Is there pros and cons to either? I am in the process of a new Gal build and need to know what color of silicone for them to use. The stand will be Black.

Thank you Bruce
IMO clear silicone turns green from algae over the years. Black silicone stays black. This factor coupled with a black stand will make black silicone the easy choice IMO
I haven't seen any studies to prove that, and perhaps it's due to so many tanks being made of the clear, but I would hazzard a guess that there have been more clear tanks seams fail than black ones. But again probably due to the prevalence of clear over black silicone tanks.

Once you've gone black you won't go back.
To me it depends on the style of tank, if it is an island tank ( viewable from all 4 sides ) then clear looks awsome, if its going against a wall black looks best..