What Coral Dip?

If I'm dipping for new arrivals for pests I'll use Bayer insect killer or Melafix marine. If dipping after fragging or disinfecting after being stung, I'll use an iodine based dip. I've also used iodine in wet saw water to disinfect as I frag.

I had success eliminating a heavy all tank infestation of AEFW using weekly dips of all sticks in Melafix for 6 weeks.

IME, iodine dips are harsher and more stressful on the coral. Bayer is not it seems, although the cloudiness of the dip can make it difficult to inspect what may be coming off new arrivals. Melafix is somewhere inbetween.
I just got the new coral dip from ME Coral. I haven't used it yet so I can't comment on how good it works yet, but the lavender smell sure is nice :)
I also us the ME Coral dip .Marks product's are top quality including the rest of his product line . I have witched over to all his product's . Check out there web sight.
Coral RX is not a dip that's meant to kill bad hitchhikers like Bayer does, it's more for just infections. I wouldn't use it for new additions that might have pests... At the end of the day Bayer is currently the only dip in the hobby I'm aware of that takes care of a lot of different types of pests, the other dips take care of 0 pests which is good because Bayer takes care of 0 infections so they complement each other well.
Coral RX is not a dip that's meant to kill bad hitchhikers like Bayer does, it's more for just infections. I wouldn't use it for new additions that might have pests... At the end of the day Bayer is currently the only dip in the hobby I'm aware of that takes care of a lot of different types of pests, the other dips take care of 0 pests which is good because Bayer takes care of 0 infections so they complement each other well.

Really? This is straight from coral rx's website

Coral Rx is effective in removing the following parasites:
- Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW)
- Montipora Eating Nudibranchs
- Bristleworms
- Zoanthid Eating Spiders
- Red Flatworms

Also aids in the treatment of:
- Filamentous Hair Algae
- Rapid Tissue Necrosis (RTN)
- Slow Tissue Necrosis (STN)
- Bacterial Infections & More
I just received my (2) 40 ounce bottles of Bayer Advanced in the mail yesterday.
Am$z0n.com only had a few left in stock. $26 + Shipping