What do you guys feed your fish?


What are you guys currently feeding your fish? and is there anything you would like to try?
I feed all my tanks LRS Reef Frenzy. Great food, not interested in trying anything else at this point.
I do fresh frozen shrimp cut into fine pieces with spitulina flakes then placed with rodi water into small containers and frozen. Whe i feed i cut a chunk of it and use a plastic bowl with water from the DP and place the frozen piece into defrost. Sometimes i add pellets for color enhancement not always.

For the tangs i wash dry nori in rodi water then grab new rodi water and get the 2in sheets i washed in a new container. i stir it around so make small flakes as it breaks up. I also add spirulina flakes I then place this in containers and the same gets frozen. Back to same DP water to defrost.

I feed them with a turkey baster making sure everything gets eaten. Feels like i over feed. But the fish love it. I do this twice a day.

And the next day i supplement with frozen brine/plankton or frozen fish medley.

Id love for my fish to try cyclopeeezzzzz.

Wish a local group did a group buy.
I have a lot of expensive foods i try with my two clownfish. They won't eat much of any of it (mysis, rods rotifers, hikari pellets) One of the only foods they will eat religously with insane hyper behavior is an old freshwater micro pellets Omega one slow sinking pellets. The pods in my tank also love this omega one stuff
I use: LRS Reef Frenzy, Coral Frenzy .5mm pellets and Rods original. I mix them all up and breaking up the big shrimp pieces and squirt them into a 160 piece tiny ice cube tray. Then just pop out a cube when its feeding time
Two sizes of mysis, spirulina brine, fish eggs, reef plankton (similar to cyclopeeze), rods veggie blend, blood worms, frozen sponge blend, brine shrimp eggs w/yolks, nori, sustainable aquatics pellet, and nls algae pellets.
Rods, PE mysis, and krill along with a sheet of nori. I also save the bloodlines and scraps when I go fishing and dice that up and freeze flat in a zip lock and swap that for the krill when I have it available.
Before I moved to Florida I used to feed my fish live blackworms only, but I do not have the space in my house here to have a setup to keep them alive. I am currently starting to feed frozen (not freeze dried) blackworms.

I think I am also gonna try the LRS Reef Freenzy, I am assuming the two major stores in the area sell it, right?
I make my own. Shrimp, clams, squid, nori, spirulina, freeze dried cyclopeez, selcon and scallops. I blend and freeze it in mini icecube trays then bag it.

fish love it! Wife thinks its gross! lol
omega one pellets, frozen mysis/brine, reef plankton, occasionally fine chopped up seafood (clams, shrimp, squid)
I love the live black worms. I'm thinking about setting up a place to keep them alive. It's suck a long drive to Faois every week

I hear ya Roger, I have a CBB and she will only eat live black worms. I love making the trip to faois, but feel like I should be on John's payroll as I'm there so often :D