What do you have?


New member
In reading the local threads it sounds like many of the local Memphis members have moved on or their interest in reefing has diminished because of work, family etc.?

As a newbe I am not sure what other local members have in the way of tanks and corals. I have been into ricordea's lately, and have mostly soft corals (but some LPS). In looking at the RC threads, it looks like the majority of viewers are looking at the SPS threads. However, someone noted that is because they are all having problems and are trying to solve them. Any SPS out there that can dispute that?

Can everyone that is local tell what they have and maybe post some pics? If there isn't much interest locally, I will stick with reading/sharing with the RC community at large.

I have a 75G, 28 cube and 14G frag tank. I will try and post some pics this weekend if there is any interest in anyone locally (that is still active) showing what you have.

I went up to the frag swap near Nashville recently had got some great deals on some corals. Did anyone esle go? Are there any other good ones coming up close by?

I am not sure why people don't just use their names as I feel stupid calling people reefsnorter1 or pickupman39. :hmm3: Why is that? I used my last name for my membership ID, but before I give out my cloak and dagger cover and reveal my first name, I will await to hear the anwer to that question. Until then you can just call me Kerry.
Name: Sky Wigen

Location: Starkville, Mississippi

Tank Stats: 50 gallon T5HO mixed reef, 20 gallon LED lit frag tank
Hello Sky.

I see you have a mixed reef. What are the primary corals (soft, LPS, SPS) in your tank? What corals are you looking to add next? Can you post any pics of you tank or favorite corals?

My most recent corals are recordea. I haven't seen many locally, so I have had to purchase them on the internet and at the frag swap in Nashville. I have several zoa's and a bunch of mushrooms and many other softies.

I ventured out of the softie world with a Duncan and a Candy Cane...they are looking great.

In my 50 I have a bit of everything. Prolly at least 2 dozen different zoa/palys, some other softies like neon green polyp toadstool, green sinularia, ricordeas, xenia, anthelia, cloves, etc, some lps like trachys, duncans, candy canes, frogspawn, hammers, etc, and a few easy sps like birdsnests and montiporas. Lately I've focused on ricordea yumas and blastomussa. There's a place in Jackson (miss) that carries some unique varieties. On my next trip I'm also going to give a few chalice frags a try as well.

If you keep that duncan well fed, it will grow VERY quickly for an LPS.
That sound very similar to mine. There is so much to choose from I am still trying different things to see what I like best.

I have never fed my duncan and it started with three heads. I now have two moreheads that have sprouted in the last couple of months. What do you feed them?

I have seen some really nice looking yumas on-line, but heard they were more difficult? I have heard some say you have to directly feed them, and others say they do great without feeding them. Your thoughts? I have never seen any yuma at any LFS here in town.

I randomly picked up a hammer at the Nashville swap and it has jumped to my list of favorates as it is so bright in my tank.

I have never tried a chalice, but did pick up an Acan (once again at the same swap). It looks like it is really enjoying life.
In my opinion, of the photosynthetic corals, duncans are the "hungriest." They like larger frozen foods like PE mysis and bloodworms and they rarely spit it up. I think some people even feed them daily. I recently started making an effort to spot feed mine and I would say in the last month my 7 header has developed 6 new polyps.

I think the problem most people have with yumas is how sensitive they can be to high output light. I have a pretty nice rainbow yuma that I basically started out in the shade and eventually moved it to the rack under my leds. I always hear that they like to be fed but in my experience they reject offerings more often then accept them.

There's certainly alot of nice corals out there. It can be hard to narrow them down to ones you have space for. That's whats nice about buying small frags instead of colonies, you can try more things that way and keep the ones you like more as they grow out.
Now that I moved back to the Memphis area from Stark, I've been able to find quite a few more nice corals around local, but it seems SPS really is the name of the game around here. I have found a few decent looking softies though. I've been hoping to find some nice LPS like some chalices and some lords, but it seems I'll have to order. Wouldn't mind picking up a little candy cane or a duncan along the way too. Once this frag tank gets done I'll really be in the market.
I have a acan rock I was wanting to frag up. I only have one chalice. I know Fcamdog of North Tennessee Reef club is a huge Chalice and Acan guy. Good pretty quality stuff too.
He travels to swaps and was at the one in Nashville this year.
Definitely an upgrade in the reefing department! Sometimes I feel like I'm living on an island here!

There used to be a little pet store down there by the name of Gone Fishin' ,but it's closed now. Someone said something about a place in Tuscaloosa, but I never managed to look for it when I'd pass through.
Jennifer: Can you post a link to your pics....I don't see it. I will take and post some pics this weekend. It would be interesting to see what the locals have.....hope others jump on board...I had some local deals with others just outside of Memphis for some large duncans but they both fell through and I never heard back from them. There are a couple of people that show up on Craigslist every now and again that must have large frag tanks that might be worth checking out. Acans are pretty cool, but I wonder how long it will take to grow out from a 1" frag? Aren't they really slow?

Mim: Any pics...I will have to look into chalices, not really familiar with them.

Sky: I will have to try and feed my Duncans and will see how that goes....

My acans I was gonna ask 6/head. I have a rock that is about six inches long and four inches wide. I have some duncans, but I only bought two heads which now have about six babies.....but that's it they are babies still. I have some blue candy canes that I got in September and they have also only grown two new heads so now I have seven, but they are healthy and large. My bubble tip split and now I have a smaller one of it. I am looking for some really cool zoas to start covering my rockwork. Rics would also work.
There used to be a little pet store down there by the name of Gone Fishin' ,but it's closed now. Someone said something about a place in Tuscaloosa, but I never managed to look for it when I'd pass through.

Yeah Gone Fishing is now Long Gone. A new pet store started up in the fall and I've been working with the owner to get his saltwater section up to snuff. At this point my go to retailer is a place called The Jungle in Richland, MS just south of Jackson. It's an easy drive and he gets some really nice corals in at times.
Jennifer: Thanks for the great pics. I am now officially inspired to take pics. I have a new camera so no excuses. Plus it will help document the progression of my corals. Sometimes you cannot fully appreciate how far your corals have come without a snapshot because you see them everyday and have no real reference.
You're welcome. I know what you mean. I have an ORA red planet that was a one inch spike. Now six months later is three inches high and has many branches.
I am happy to see we have four active members.

Vitalappartus: Do you have a name that you are willing to disclose, or do you prefer Mr./Ms Vitalappartus? Any coral pics!?

Also, what kind of corals do you have? Do you some favorites? What are you looking to add?

Mim37204: do you have a name you can use in public? :)
My name is Jon.
This board is kinda slow but its stable :)

I like LPS and Softies Clams and Fish.
I would love a frag of that torch???I am sure I will be seeing you soon!!We could work out a trade? HAha