what do you think of the aquac ev-180?


Premium Member
looking for a new skimmer for my 140gallon and i only have room for a in-sump skimmer, i only have 7" x 15". i am leaning towards the ev-180 or the etss 600. any help would be great. robert
Robert stay away from MRC since the previous owner was a pedophile- sorry had to say it .

As far as DD remember u need an extra pump to run them thus more electricity.

They IMO are still very good technology I run one.
ETSS has the patent the rest are carbon copies of it.
well like i stated before i have a mag 12 running my diy skimmer, i didnt make it i a bought it on ebay. i just wont to buy something that is reliable and know it will work, the one i have is working but i dont know what its rated for. thanks for the help manny
I've had DD skimmers for 10-15 years now. My current one works very well and needs no adjutments whatsoever.

Skimmers are like cars some like the latest and the greatest sports car others don't mind driving aroun in an old pickup truck as long as its reliable and does what it's supposed to do.

Is just a cylinder made out of plastic that skims the water surface not a down payment for a car!
i almost bought tha ev180 but wasnt totally sure it would fit so i went with the tunze... as far as i kno its a good skimmer (not the best but pretty descent)
My biggest complaint about the EV-180 is the maintenance. The foam tower gets coated with skimmate, so periodically you have to reach in there with a paper towel or something to get it off. If you're not careful, big chunks of goop will fall back into the body and back into your system. Aside from that, it does a good job.

I suppose if you didn't clean it, it would probably perform just fine. You just wouldn't be able to see what it was doing from the goop coating the foam tower.