What External Hard Drive/Storage Device??????


New member
I am lookig ay something in the 300+ GB range to sotre photos. My hard drive is getting full and it is slowing down my laptop. So I was looking at an external form of memory to give me some room.

So my question is: What do you guys use? What Brand? And how big?

Most brands will be fine.
What I suggest is getting your own enclosure and buying a hard drive that fits (Most 2.5" or 3.5").
That way you are eligible for a warranty with the hard drive manufacturer. Good brands are Seagate and Western Digital.
Actually you should buy two of whatever you choose. All hard drives fail; period. If your pictures are important to you, make two copies.
Check out the D-Link DNS-323 NAS. It allows you to put your own drives in there (two) supports RAID, is wireless, and is relatively cheap.
The speed of laptop is being slowed down from a couple of things. 1 I have all my small business programs accounting, drafting, and design programs on it. Then I also have a ton pictures on it since I have now picked up a nice DSLR camera and seem to click away. Thanks for the info on defragging though.
Staples has the 500gb western digital on sale this week, I saw it in the sunday paper ad section, $129 (ish)?
I might check it out myself