I have a beautiful 300 gallon tank with island overflows that will be up very soon. I have an H&S recirculating skimmer that will be fed via overflow. I have a 90 gallon sump. What else...besides Live Rock and Live Sand, and my skimmer should i use?? Oh yeah I also will be employing 80 watts of Uv.
Does all of this sound sufficient? The livestock will be:
Clown trigger
Naso tang
Blueface angel
Annularis angel
Golden puffer
Panda puffer
H. tusk
red coris
2 eels
Does all of this sound sufficient? The livestock will be:
Clown trigger
Naso tang
Blueface angel
Annularis angel
Golden puffer
Panda puffer
H. tusk
red coris
2 eels