What has happened to ANCHOR ?

I still care ted, but everyone has been real busy. My family is so demanding, as is my business, that I often wonder why I continue to try and keep the tank. The fish, however, bring me great joy and are healthy so I feel a responsibility to them to provide a safe home.

Meetings are always hard for me to get to, with band practice for one, football for another, and social needs for the other... not to mention the need for some downtime for my husband and I.

Enough of my saga. I hope we keep the club going. We are a great group of people who help each other and that is what is most important, don't you think?

I would love to attend meeting, but Saturday is a mandatory work day for me. As for these forums i still check them several times a day, I just have not needed anything to post, and have not seen any others that i could help with.
Hopefully Santa Claus pays all of us a visit and we will then want to post descriptions and pictures of the new goodies for our tanks.

My Christmas wish is that I can go the whole day without having to fix something on one of the tanks. Seems like Mr. Murphy has been hanging around way too much lately.