What I learned on RC


New member
Ok so I am slowly learning how to design a large tank system. So far what I have figured that you need in a tank is as follows

First off It seems a lot of large tanks have closed loop systems to help with flow, where do you generally put the intakes and where do you put the outtakes.

Second I notice that most systems have an RO/Di system with an auto top of system. How do you plumb the Ro/Di System, and where do you generally put the float switch the sump I am guessing?

Third How do you guys design your sumps are there certain chambers that are nice to have, also what other types of chambers can you add. I was thinking that you could do a chamber for the water entering, one for the skimmer, one for the return, one for the LR and Plants, and do you guys suggest one for Charcoal and other chems as well? I was also wondering if you could run a mini system off the sump with an intake and out pump for a quarantine tank? or a Frag tank?

Lastly what type of electrical systems are you guys running with all those MH and Atinics what type of circuits and breakers are you running?

It's hard to learn all this stuff from just reading and looking at pictures all your imput is appreciated.
Re: What I learned on RC

I was in the same boat not too long ago. Keep reading and asking. I'll answer the few questions I can. I am going with Tunze streams instead of a CL so I'll skip that one.

My RO/DI system is plumbed directly into my cold water line. I cut the pipe and added an icemaker connection that is basically a T with a valve on the line going to my RO. That way I could remove the RO and turn off the valve. The waste output from the RO goes into a laundry sink in my basement. The product output goes to a line running by both tanks and my holding tank. It T's off to each tank. At the holding tank there is a ball valve to turn it off/on for filling. It then goes to a Kent Marine float switch so it will shut off when the holding tank is done. For my 67g tank I run the line to the sump, first through a solenoid that is connected to a float switch. The line then just drops into the sump. When the water goes down the float switch opens the solenoid and water refills the sump. For my 225g tank the RO line will go to my Kalkwasser mixer and then to a solenoid and then a Kent float switch in the sump. A couple of float switches will work with an Aquatronica controller to open/close the solenoid. It sounds more complicated then it is but that gives you an idea of 3 different ways of controlling your RO line.

I designed my sump by reading Melev's page. If you browse around there you'll find tons of sump designs. Both of my sumps have a section for the skimmer return, an open sump area for returning water to the tank, and a refugium section. I run a Phosban reactor filled with carbon from the sump. The skimmer section is an area with baffles to allow the microbubbles coming from the skimmer to dissipate. The sump area is the area that will rise/fall as water evaporates in your system so it should be big enough to accomodate that. The refugium is nice for putting in nitrate reducing stuff. Read the link, there's lots of info there.

For electrical I had two 15watt breakers put in to supplement the one that was already there. I estimate the total wattage of the toys I will be running on my 225g at about 2300 watts, though not continuously used.

Hope this helps.